Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Holy Cowness!!

Okay, I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm gonna give it a go.  I've been trying to get this happening for quite a while now, probably over a year.  I've had requests to show my jewelry...OMG...that's scary cause it's not that great.  Hmmm, how to put photos on...I'm looking but afraid to click on anything.  This is like being lost in the woods.  OH!  I clicked on a little picture and I downloaded my pics...but I don't see them.  Is there a place where I can see ....  ahhhh, PREVIEW button, let's try that.  

WHEW!!! I got swallowed up by a black hole.  That PREVIEW button is evil I tell ya!!!  I couldn't find a back button.  All is well, I found my way back...now let me see if I can get those pics to work.

DEEP BREATH...   okay, didn't happen.  Back to the drawing board.  

You guys make it look so easy.  Okay, got my big girl pants on and I'm going to try again.

Oh lookie, I did it, I got a picture showing.  One at a time works well.  I'm gonna try another one.  
OMG, it's working.  

Here's some more...

I can hear Petra screaming MAKE THE PICTURES BIGGER!!!!!  Ahhh, I don't know how to do that. 

So here are some of the pieces I've created....I've really stalled for the last year and I'm trying to get my stuff back together again. 

Two years ago on April 2nd, I got a phone call -- my beautiful 37 year old daughter passed away unexpectedly, no sickness, just poof gone.  I lost my best friend.  I decided to take an online course to help me through my grief, I created these pieces during that time so they come from a dark, hurting place.  This last year hasn't been a picnic either, I had viral meningitis, weeks of high fevers fried my brain a bit then I had 4 surgeries on my right foot, that was the day before Thanksgiving...December and part of January I was confined to a wheelchair - I'm still healing from that mess.  Finally I'm able to wear shoes again but still limping and moaning and groaning at times.  I'm adjusting to my new normal -- Spring is here and I'm ready to start a new chapter and get my act together and march on.

Thanks Petra for your gentle, not always gentle, pushing.  I love you for that!  So here I am...THE NEW ME!! 

Love ya...
...Jackie  xo